We are a NGO based on Jabad Lubavitch principles, whose main aspirations are to practice and promote the commandments of the Law by assististing needed communities.
We are located in San Cristobal, we are also based in the United States, yet, we work with volunteers and investors from worldwide.
Scroll down to learn our history and find information on transparency measures and our main projects.
Our organization decided to establish itself in the front line to fight these problems beating many parts of our world, some of them with indescribable cruelty like Chiapas’ case. It is important to clarify our NGO isn’t a religious mission but a charity aiming to improve living conditions and increase productivity for Chiapas communities.
Promoting education, social and economic development in this Mexican region is our mission to fulfill our divine mandate instructing us to love our fellows, assist those who need help, specially who are vulnerable before the world’s indifference, that’s where we decided to be present.